The Facts on AHS

  • AHS has cut staffing to the rapid response team, kept up illegal short-staffing, crammed unsafe numbers of patients into Psych Emergency, and retaliated against workers who report violence and unsafe conditions.

  • In July AHS mailed union members declaring that they plan to cut medical, dental and vision benefits to children, spouses, and other family members if workers don’t re-verify dependents. The guidelines AHS mailed are illegal and violate our contract, which does not require workers to reverify dependents at all.

  • AHS is sending layoff notices and refusing to follow the contract, which requires they bargain with the union for at least 30 days before laying workers off, and they are refusing to release our Workforce Planning team members to negotiate.

  • When the state found AHS had violated HIPAA, AHS didn't fix system-wide problems with training or software. Instead, they wasted countless hours blaming workers and trying to fire over a dozen SEIU 1021 members.