Last week, AHS management gave proposals to our RN and San Leandro Hospital bargaining teams. These proposals matched the ones given to the General Unit: direct attacks on our contracts, making it easier for bad bosses to discipline and fire us. In the RN contract, they also tried to gut the Title 22 protections that enforce safe staffing for patients and RNs. They also showed a lack of respect by sending representatives who couldn’t explain or defend their own proposals. Every AHS worker needs to stand up and:
Tell the AHS Board of Trustees
STOP Understaffing, Underfunding,
and Mismanagement at AHS
Purple Up and Come to the Board of Trustees Meeting:
Highland Care Pavilion
Conference Center
Friday, Feb. 21 @ 12:30 p.m.
Click here to download the flier to print out and post at your worksite.