Last week, all three AHS Chapter Bargaining Teams (General Unit, RNs, and San Leandro) met with AHS management. Across the board, management’s plan is to drag out negotiations for months, and tear up our contract and the standards we’ve spent decades winning: re-writing our entire contract, gutting our protections, removing all staffing protections, leaving a vulnerable workforce and no solutions to the staffing problems that put us and our patients at risk every day. The time for us to take action is NOW. Sign our petition (click here to download a copy) and get ready for our rally on March 26.
AHS’ Proposals:
NO cost of living raises to keep our members up with what it costs to live in the Bay Area
NO staffing protections, eliminating all Title 22 language
CUTS to benefits, with less time off and more expensive healthcare
Control over scheduling, with shift cancellations up to the last minute
Control over hiring
Easier ways to fire us
NO staffing increases for safety and better patient care
A weaker union, with fewer rights and protections
Thursday, March 26
4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Click here to download a copy of the flier to post at your worksite.